
Kindness by Proxy

I received this message from my sweet cousin today.

"I was in line at McD's to get my giant sweet tea, a necessity for making it through the day. It was super crowded. I was one car away from the pay window when I heard and felt a thud. The guy behind me had rear ended my car. He jumped out to apologize and check for damage. Of course nothing had happened. It was just a bump. I assured him it was fine and no big deal. He kept saying he was sorry and that he was so embarrassed. I knew he was upset and it might have started his day off wrong. So when I pulled to the window to pay I picked up the tab for his as well. I hope that put a smile on his face. I think you can totally claim this as your act of kindness for today."

I'll take it. That's much better than anything I had planned for the day. And, I can only hope that my reaction would have been as kind. Thanks, Kitty.

Kind Regards,

Your Neighbor

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