
Pizza Delivery

LJ's birthday celebration continues. We had a super fun party at the horse park today. Playground, pony rides, and too much food! We had an entire extra-large pizza left over. I considered bringing it home, but then I thought it would make an excellent act of kindness instead. I walked it over to the barn and offered it to the stable workers. They were thrilled. There must have been some hungry people in the bunch because the pizza delivery actually elicited some dancing. As I walked back to the party, someone ran out and screamed, "WE LOVE YOU!"

You're welcome. :-)

Kind Regards,

Your Neighbor


  1. aawww! how sweet! i enjoy reading your acts of kindness, you are such a beautiful person.
    happy day,

  2. What a good idea to give the pizza to the workers- it sounds like it was greatly appreciated. I'm glad I discovered your blog- I have a feeling I'm going to get many ideas from you. :o) Keep up the kindness!
