
Lucky Day in Paradise

Today's act of kindness (or lack thereof) kind of crept up on me. I looked at the clock on our way home from dinner and realized that it was 7:30 pm and I had no idea what I would do. I dug around in the bottom of my purse. I found 4 quarters (in addition to 3 crayons, 2 hair bows, and 7 raisins courtesy of LJ). I asked my husband to stop at a convenience store so I could buy a lottery ticket. We pulled into the Paradise Food Store and made the purchase. I wrote a little note and attached it to the pay phone outside.

Not too shabby for the spur of the moment. I would love, love, love for this ticket to be a big winner. The person who is using the pay phone at the Paradise Food Store (which is really far from "paradise") could probably use a little luck today.

Kind Regards,
Your Neighbor

PS- I follow another blog called The Kindness of Strangers, and I just read that she had a similar situation today. Oh no, it's 4:00 pm-- what will I do? Her entry made me laugh, and I'm sure you would enjoy it, too. Maybe my husband was thinking the same thing as he watched me taping the lottery ticket to the pay phone.


  1. Your blog is such an inspiration! I adore beyond words what you are doing in the world and wish more people would follow in your footsteps. Such simple things can change a person forever and I love that you are getting out there and creating that change! Thank you for your kind words earlier today on my blog, you have no idea how much that meant to me. You've earned two acts of kindness for the day. Thank you for your love, friend. You make all the difference.

  2. Some days are like that! Funny we had one at the same time.

