
What's the antonym of road rage?

I decided to do something really simple today... just to show a little more kindness as a driver. I discovered that when I was looking for opportunities to be kind behind the wheel, I found plenty of them. "Yes, you can cross the street in front of me." Wave. "Sure, you can throw it in reverse and back up the entire length of the ATM line." Big smile. The extra courtesy was well-received. No wonder-- since Miami has the 9th largest traffic congestion in the US. It has also been voted the most dangerous city for pedestrians in America and for the past two years, the capital of road rage. It's not hard to brighten someone's driving experience when you're in an environment like that. Today's task was too easy.

PS I know I told "Not Actually Michael" that I would make the awkward perfume compliment today, but I just couldn't do it. I didn't smell anything good. And, that has to be legit. Otherwise, it would just add another layer of awkwardness. Maybe tomorrow?

Kind Regards,
Your Neighbor


  1. I like your anti-road rage. I try to always let someone go in a merging situation and to stop for pedestrians as well. It feels good to be kind and helpful to others. The only thing that I still need to work on is not getting irritated when the one on whom the kindness was bestowed doesn't wave or at least nod in thanks. But I'm working on it. P.S. I tell people they smell good all the time -- is that weird?

  2. I believe this might be contagious I encountered a homeless looking guy today while I was leaving a Dunkin Doughnuts. As he approached me, he was staring me right in the eye, cussing me, growling and snarling about how he was going to hurt me. I smiled and let out a chuckle, He then let out a loud BITE ME! I think that man could use some of yours and LJ’s Magic!

  3. Elizabeth: You must have had positive responses to the smell good compliment. Not everyone is so lucky.

    Anonymous: I guess LJ and I need to take a trip to Dunkin.
