

Yesterday my husband and I filed for divorce. This was the reason that I have been missing for most of the month of October. I don't really feel like it's appropriate for me to share the details here, but I would like to express how difficult this experience has been. I was completely blindsided by his decision to leave and devastated by his refusal to try and work things out through counseling. I never saw this coming. It's like he just woke up one day and decided that it was over. Of course, there is a lot more to the story, but you get the picture. I am angry, disappointed, and confused.

My act of kindness for the day was for my soon-to-be-ex-husband. We spent almost two hours alone in a room together while the attorney completed our paperwork. As much as I wanted to scream, curse, throw things, leap across the table and choke him, I kept all of those negative emotions in check, and I tried not to say anything hurtful. We need to have a cooperative relationship for LJ's sake. If he is not going to be a good husband for me, he can still be a good father for her.

Life is full of surprises, isn't it?

Kind Regards,

Your Neighbor


  1. I'm praying for you sweet girl. You do such good in the world and God is going to pull you through this. I hope the kindness you share with strangers will be returned to you during your time of need. Your blog inspires me and I hope you know you're in my heart.

  2. You are such a beautiful person,and I looove talking to you!!!
    You are so inspirational and you have such a loving heart, I know that whatever life throws at you you will handle it with grace and a smile.
    Know: God never gives us more than we can handle.
    You are so strong, I know that you will be just fine!!
    Sending you lots and lots of love and good thoughts,

  3. So sorry for what you are going through. I will be thinking about you.


  4. You have inspired me to create a little blog celebrating the acts of kindness my 10th graders see and do for others. Good thoughts are coming your way from Coalville, Utah!

  5. Thank you for the encouraging words. It has been quite a month. This was NOT my plan, but I have to accept it. I'm trying to stay positive. This is my opportunity to show that I really believe all of the advice that I have given my friends when they have had hard times. "Everything happens for a reason" and "All things work for good" are a lot easier to believe when you are on the other side of the fence. Now it's my turn. And, I am hoping that there is something better out there for me. Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming.

    To my Anonymous friend in Utah: Have fun! I am a teacher, too (currently on leave). Please let me know how your blog goes. I would love to read it.
