

My entire family got together yesterday at my mom's house. She had some surprise visitors, and we all wanted to visit with them, too. The special guest was a nurse from a hospital in West Virginia who cared for my parents following a very serious car accident six years ago. At the time I was living in Virginia, and my parents were on their way to visit me when they were involved in the accident. I will never forget that phone call and the way that I felt while I was driving to the hospital as my mother underwent the surgery that would save her life. She has kept in touch with one very special nurse, and we have had the pleasure of visiting with her and her family several times over the last six years.

Yesterday's visit took my mom by surprise. She already had her day planned. She was going to be doing yard work since today was bulk trash pick-up day. It only happens once a month, and she was disappointed that she wasn't going to be able to get her yard work done. But, it's not every day that you get a visit from your all-time favorite nurse!

Anyway, I had a plan. I got up early this morning, very early this morning. I went to work in Mom's yard. I had a nice pile of dead palm fronds on the bulk pick-up pile before she caught me. We worked together the finish the rest.

And, we finished just in time. The tire in the picture belongs to the garbage truck. It felt great to do something for my sweet mom. Yesterday, I was reminded about just how blessed I am to have her in my life. Six years and counting...

Kind Regards,

Your Neighbor

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