
School Visit: Part 1

Last week, I was helping my husband clean out his car. I was really surprised to find a box of spiral notebooks in the trunk. I had forgotten all about them... for three years. I'm not exaggerating. They have been riding around in the trunk of his car for THREE YEARS. I bought them at Target when they were on sale for ten cents a piece. I thought I would keep them in my room at school just in case any students needed a notebook. I remember taking one box to school and leaving the other one in his car. I just can't believe that was three years ago.

I dropped them off at an elementary school today. Well, not just any elementary school. I chose the elementary school that I attended. It was a lot of fun to see the inside of the office again. It still smells the same. I think I'll be going back. I heard that my second grade teacher is still working there (which is kind of a miracle since she was old when I was in second grade). She said that I could be anything I wanted, and I think I wanted to be an astronaut back then. It would be really nice to see her and say thank you for being such a special teacher. And, let her know that I changed my mind about the astronaut thing. I'll let you know how that goes.

Kind Regards,

Your Neighbor

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